Feb 26Liked by Tom Parish

Excellent and thought-provoking conversation, Tom! I was just talking a couple of weeks ago with a friend, recommending to him that he save or capture voice or video recordings of his still-living elderly parents and either have them share their life stories — or whatever they want — in a recording or via email or other document. In fact, just save preserve everything like this that might already exist.

The reason that *I* recommended this is actually tied to AI in a different way. I do not have such recordings of my parents or grandparents — and very scant photos due to my own parents' and extended family's failure to preserve those assets. If I *did* have those, I could use the voice recordings to recreate digital twins of them — say, via ElevenLabs — and fine tune an LLM with details of their life stories via letters, emails, recordings, historical documents, etc. ... then, use Gen-AI tools to create video avatars to interact with them — and possibly even continue to learn from them — though they're no longer alive. Talk about a legacy!

Anyway, thank you for the time and care you put into each of your posts and podcasts. You're a wonderful interviewer, too, BTW.


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