AI for Lifelong Learners
AI for Lifelong Learners Podcast
Embracing your humanity in the age of AI by learning about our shadows

Embracing your humanity in the age of AI by learning about our shadows

“Be what the machines can’t be, be more you, be more human.”

"Between the idea and the real
Between the motion and the act
Falls the Shadow."
T.S. Eliot's poem "The Hollow Men."

Today on AI for Lifelong Learners, I steer us into learning more about ourselves. I used AI to collaborate on this show idea, organize the content, and summarize the recording. Then, this final version went through half a dozen rewrites by people - human people!

The show itself is about being more human, which includes delving into ourselves to gain a better understanding and insight into what holds us back.

What does AI think about being human?

So of course, I asked one of the Large Language Models (LLMs) to share its “thoughts” on the subject. The AI's response was intriguing and thought-provoking, offering a unique lens through which to view our own humanity. While it's important to remember that these are the “opinions” of an artificial intelligence and not a definitive guide, the ideas presented can serve as a catalyst for self-reflection and personal growth. Here are some of the insights that resonated with me:

- Dream and discover new ideas

- Think and rationalize, yet be self-reflective

- Be more discerning of what's true for me in my thoughts, feelings, and actions

- Communicate thoughtfully with others through spoken, written, and nonverbal means

- Find inspiration for more curiosity to generate new ideas and innovate

- Be flexible and willing to change plans

- Problem-solve and nurture the ability to think critically and come up with solutions to complex problems

- Stay strong in my morals and ethics: distinguish between right and wrong and make careful judgments

- Form mental images, concepts, and ideas of things that do not currently exist or are not present in the immediate environment

- Indulge my sense of humor

- Practice abstract reasoning, the ability to think about complex and abstract concepts

- Regulate my emotions

- Time travel mentally to remember the past and imagine the future, yet live in the present

- Take in new perspectives to understand and consider different viewpoints

But what gets in our way?

In this interview, we talk about our “shadows” and the process of talking with our shadows in hopes of learning more about the power we hold in our authentic selves. Why? Because we must choose to highlight the value of our human skills, especially those that machines lack in this new era of hyper-automation. That's where our uniquely human strengths shine. That's what makes us more employable and authentically powerful.

All too often, we spend our whole lives running from our shadows, trying to present this polished, Instagram-worthy version of ourselves to the world. But the truth is, we're all just stumbling around in the dark, hoping that nobody notices the cracks in our carefully crafted facades.

In today's podcast, I have a heartfelt conversation with two senior life coaches who have been helping others with their shadows for decades - Daniel Maldonado, an executive performance coach with InterVentionEM, and Donna Lipman, a Master Life Coach, author, and presentation skills trainer.

Podcast key points

- Personal Journeys with Shadow Work (10:01-15:00)

  - Donna shares her experience of repeatedly choosing abusive relationships and how shadow work helped her recognize and address childhood trauma.

  - Daniel speaks about his choice to lean into extroversion to avoid victimhood and how his work has helped him and others confront their shadows for personal growth.

- Integrating Shadow Aspects (15:01-20:00)

  - Donna discusses the light side of the shadow and how we often suppress our positive qualities, which could bring more good to the world if integrated.

  - Daniel reflects on the denial of personal power and how people argue for their limitations. He stresses the importance of recognizing our shared humanity and striving together rather than competing.

- Humbling Lessons from Coaching (20:01-25:00)

  - Donna was surprised to learn that we suppress not only our dark sides but also our light sides. She emphasizes the importance of embracing both to be responsible and impactful.

  - Daniel shares a humbling moment from his leadership experience and the realization that our emotions are universal, despite unique experiences.

- Being More Human in a Hyperautomated World (25:01-30:00)

  - Donna suggests nurturing creativity and curiosity in children, allowing them to be who they are, and fostering their innate talents.

  - Daniel talks about Sat - Chit - Ananda: Sansrkit, the importance of finding bliss, and the need to integrate head, heart, and gut for a fulfilling life.

Thank you,


AI for Lifelong Learners
AI for Lifelong Learners Podcast
Beyond the AI hype and the 'work-faster' mindset, let's consider how AI might affect our enjoyment of life and our pursuit of curiosity. It might be just the tool you need to help you along as a lifelong learner. Let me know what you are learning.